Offline Mode Feature | Borealis Mobile App

Data accuracy is a core factor in leveraging the Borealis application to its fullest. The ability to capture information outside an active data network gives you the ability to keep your data as up-to-date and as accurate as possible.

The Offline Mode feature for the Borealis Mobile Application aims to assist you in capturing data in the field where internet connectivity is not readily available or stable enough to use the mobile application normally. 

Examples of Use Case

  • A user is heading out in the field to touch base with several stakeholders located in a remote location. The data services for their cellphone is usually out of coverage in and around that location. The user then activates the Offline Mode before leaving their workplace, downloading the data dictionaries to be able to create communications and individuals. They proceed enter communications in Offline Mode throughout the day and, upon returning to stable data services, proceed to synchronize the data they created throughout the day with the Borealis application.
  • A user is heading to a remote location where data services are unreliable. To avoid running into issues loading the data on their phone so they can create communications and individuals, they activate the Offline Mode before heading there, downloading the data dictionaries to be able to create communications and individuals. While they are out in the field, they enter communications using the Borealis Mobile App as they normally would. Upon returning to stable data services, they can then proceed to synchronize the data they created throughout the day with the Borealis application.

Main Features

  • Allows you to create communications and create individuals on the spot, with a few limitations, through the mobile application even when no internet connection is available.
  • Allows you access to pre-loaded values when creating communications.
  • Allows you to add documents or images to the communications you are creating while offline.
  • Allows you to synchronize communications and individuals you created while offline, either automatically when the internet connection is restored or manually at a later time.

Create a Communication in Offline Mode

While you are offline, you can create communications, which will then be stored locally on your phone  until they are synchronized with the Borealis application.

The communication creation process is the same as it is normally in the Borealis Mobile App with the exception of entering an address. You can, however, still use your phone's current coordinates to locate where the communication occurred.

Create an Individual in Offline Mode

While you are offline, you pre-loaded stakeholders to your phone. As such, when creating a communication, if the individual is not found on the pre-loaded list, you can create a new individual.

When creating an individual offline, the available fields are limited to:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Main phone

  • Main email

Later on, when synchronizing the communication with Borealis, the system will verify whether the stakeholder already exists using the specified name, email, and phone number. If the individual already exists in the Borealis application, they will be automatically linked to the communication. If they do not exist, the Borealis application creates and links them to the same Project as the one the communication was created for.

What Data is Downloaded to the Phone?

To allow a fully functional experience during the creation of communications, the following data must be downloaded to the phone. 

  • Content of the following selection lists
    • General atmosphere

    • Subject categories 

    • Type of communication

    • And others if needed.
  • List of Engagement plans along with the following information
    • Title
    • Ref. no
    • Type of engagement plan
    • Status
  • List of individuals along with the following information
    • Complete name
    • Ref. no
    • Status
    • Main position
    • Location
  • List of organisations along with the following information
    • Name

    • Ref. no

    • Status

    • Location

This data will be downloaded to the phone at different points in time:

  • When the Offline mode is activated on the phone
  • Weekly when the Auto-download list values toggle is activated
  • Manually when you press the Download now button

Enable the Borealis Mobile Application Offline Feature for a User

A user needs to have the Mobile - Offline profile to be able to access the offline feature.

  1. Navigate to the Users register in the Users menu.
  2. Find the user for whom you need to give access to the Borealis Mobile Applicaton Offline mode.
  3. Scroll down to the Access section.
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. Add the Mobile - Offline profile.
  6. Click the Save button.
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