Deactivate or Reactivate an Organisation as a Business

To keep data up-to-date, it is possible to deactivate the business status of an organisation once it is no longer relevant as a business. 

If a business is deactivated, all related contracts will have their status set to "Closed" with the end date matching the date at which the business was deactivated. If the business is reactivated, the contracts will retain the status of "Closed" unless they are manually reactivated.

Deactivate or Reactivate an Organisation as a Business

  1. Navigate to Organisations in Stakeholder Engagement.
  2. Select and open the organisation record which you want deactivate or reactivate.
  3. Click the Actions button.
  4. Select the Deactivate as business or Reactivate as business option.
  5. Add a comment in the field in the form.
  6. Click the Deactivate or Reactivate button.
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