Add and Manage an Individual as a Candidate

You can add an Individual as a work candidate, enter additional information about them, add them to job offers, and manage contracts related to them.

After adding them as a Candidate, you can add further information regarding their work experience, education, specific competencies (such has languages spoken) and use the aggregated information to select candidates and organisations to award contracts for job offers.

Add an Individual as a Candidate

  1. Navigate to Individuals in Stakeholder Engagement.
  2. Select and open the individual's record which you want to add as a candidate.
  3. Click the Actions button.
  4. Select the Add as candidate option.
  5. Fill in the fields in the Add as candidate form.
  6. Click the Add button.

Edit a Candidate

  1. Navigate to Individuals in Stakeholder Engagement.
  2. Select and open the individual's record which you want to edit.
  3. In the left hand record menu, expand Local Employment.
  4. Open the Candidate information page.
  5. Click on the Edit button in the upper right corner of the Candidate page.
  6. Modify the fields in the form as needed.
  7. Click the Save button.

Add Education and Work Experience to a Candidate

  1. Navigate to Individuals in Stakeholder Engagement.
  2. Select and open the individual's record for which you want to add Education or Work Experience information.
  3. In the left hand record menu, select Candidate under Local Employment.
  4. Scroll to the Education and Experience sections.
  5. Click the + (Add) icon besides either Education or Experience.
  6. Fill in the information in the Add-Education or Add-Experience form.
  7. Click the Save button.

Deactivate or Reactivate a Candidate

  1. Navigate to Individuals in Stakeholder Engagement.
  2. Select and open the individual's record which you want to deactivate or reactivate.
  3. Click the Actions button.
  4. Select the Deactivate candidate or Reactivate candidate option.
  5. Add a comment in the field in the form.
  6. Click the Save button.
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