Add a Contract or Candidate to a Job Offer Engagement Plan

To leverage the data tracking and use the tools introduced with the Local Employment and Procurement add-on, you first need to create a Job Offer Engagement plan. 

This engagement plan includes two new sections:

  • Candidates
  • Contracts

Add a Single Candidate to a Job Offer Engagement Plan

  1. Navigate to Engagement Plans in Stakeholder Engagement.
  2. Locate and open the job offer engagement plan to which you want to add a candidate to
    Or Create a new job offer engagement plan.
  3. In the left hand record menu under Planning, select Candidate.
  4. Click either the in-line Add icon or the Add icon in the Candidate list page.
  5. Fill in the information in the Add - Stakeholders page.
  6. Click the Save button.

For a candidate to be available from the drop-down list, they must have been added as a candidate.

Select Several Candidates for a Job Offer

  1. Navigate to Engagement Plans in Stakeholder Engagement.
  2. Locate and open the job offer engagement plan to which you want to add a candidate to
    Or Create a new job offer engagement plan.
  3. In the left hand record menu under Planning, select Candidate.
  4. Click the Actions menu.
  5. Select the Select candidates option.
  6. In the Select candidates form, select the Competencies and Location you need for this job offer.
  7. Click the Save button.

All candidates with the selected competencies and the location (if selected), will then be added to the job offer engagement plan. You can then select and open each record individually to identify their availability and suitability.

Add a Contract to a Job Offer Engagement Plan

  1. Navigate to Engagement Plans in Stakeholder Engagement.
  2. Locate and open the job offer engagement plan to which you want to add a contract to
    Or Create a new job offer engagement plan.
  3. In the left hand record menu, open Contracts.
  4. Click either the in-line Add icon or the Add icon in the Contracts list page.
  5. Fill in the information in the Create a position page.
  6. Click the Save button.
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