Monitor an Engagement Plan

As a Borealis user, Engagement Plans are a tool to group communications, activities, tasks related to your project goals, or your initiatives. 

The Monitoring menu in the left hand record menu of your engagement plan lets you see: 

  • Stakeholders and their interactions with your engagement plan (communications, follow-ups)
  • Task status for each stakeholder related to your activities.

The Engagements menu in the left hand record menu of your engagement plan is where you find engagements linked to your plan:

  • Communications
  • Grievances
  • Issues
  • Commitments
  • Smart communications
  • Related engagement plans.

You can also link existing communications, grievances, issues or commitments from this tab, or directly from each record. To link these to your engagement plan, either use the in-line + Add icon or the + Add icon on the object you are trying to link.

You can also use the Stakeholder Engagement System report in Analytics to help you monitor your activities, tasks and more. 

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