Complete Tasks for an Engagement Plan

Completing tasks generated from the activities of an engagement plan is a core process to be able to track and to ensure the engagement strategy is advancing as planned.

You can complete tasks individually or in batch from the Tasks from activities under Monitoring in the left hand record menu OR Tasks in the bottom left hand section of the engagement plan record.

Complete a Task Individually

  1. Navigate to Engagement plan in Stakeholder engagement.
  2. Open the engagement plan for which you want to complete tasks.
  3. In the left hand record menu, select Tasks.
  4. Mouseover the task you want to complete.
  5. Click the ... (ellipsis) menu in the right hand side of the line.
  6. Select the Complete option.
  7. Select the communication from the Communications drop-down list.
  8. Specify the Completion date.
  9. Click the Complete button.

Complete Several Tasks at Once

  1. Navigate to Engagement plan in Stakeholder engagement.
  2. Open the engagement plan for which you want to complete several tasks.
  3. In the left hand record menu, select Tasks.
  4. Click the ... (ellipsis) menu in the upper right hand corner of the task list.
  5. Select the Select multiple option.

  6. Select one or several tasks you want to complete.
  7. Select the Complete option.
  8. Select the communication from the Communications drop-down list.
  9. Specify the Completion date.
  10. Click the Complete button.
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