Stakeholder: Calculated Relationship

The calculated relationship functionality in Borealis automatically establishes types of relationships between two individuals based on their organizational affiliation or participation in specific communication types.

Superusers have the ability to define rules for these calculated relationships in the Relationship dictionary.

For example:

  • You want to configure specific relationships and relationship strengths based on the type of communication two individuals share or if both share the same organization. The resulting relationship strength takes the strengths value of the highest calculated relationship available.

Note: Calculated relationships are only applicable for Reciprocal Relationships.

View Relationships Between Individuals

  1. Navigate to Individuals in Stakeholder engagement.
  2. Open the record of the individuals for whom you want to view relationships.
  3. In the left hand record menu, select Relationships under Relations.

The list of relationships will be displayed. The Calculated relationship column will display the relationship with that person based on what was defined in your data dictionary.

Configure a Calculated Relationship

  1. Navigate to Data dictionaries in Configuration.
  2. Locate and open the Relationship dictionary.
  3. Click the + Add button to the left of Relationship types.
  4. Specify information in the Add - Relationship types window but make sure to:
    • In the Relationship Type drop-down list, select Reciprocal.
    • Flag the Calculated box.
    • Select your Calculated option from the drop-down list.
      • Same communication: This option makes it that if the two individuals are participants of the same communication, a calculated relationship will be added. You can also further specify the type of communications that will create the relationship in the Communication type filter drop-down list.
      • Same Organization: This option makes it that If the two individuals are members of the same organization, a calculated relationship will be created.
    • Specify a value for the Strength.
  5. Click the Save button.
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