Introduction to the Campaigns (Land Access)

A campaign in the context of the land access and compensation module is a concept which allows planning for a series of strategic engagements pertaining to a specific land access activity. For example, it could be a plan to sensitise the local population on the upcoming work and on the overall land access and compensation process, prior to commencing with the field survey activities. It could also be the plan to organise negotiations on the rates or process.

The Campaigns Register is a place to define strategic series of engagement and to associate them to one or more specific land requests. A campaign will have a period of application and some high level objectives. It is not mandatory to complete this step in order to achieve payment, however it is strongly recommended as this is the basis for the high level indicators on free prior and informed consent (FPIC) or equivalent pertaining to the land access activities.


How to work with the Campaigns Register?

From the application menu, navigate to modules > Land Access > Negotiation > campaign.

  • Planning and tracking engagements

As well as entering the essential details about the campaign in the general information tab, you will be able to indicate which team members and external stakeholders are likely to get involved by using the stakeholders tab . You are also able to link the record to existing informal consultations or meetings by using the consultations tab.


What is the Campaign Register workflow?

Status Flow

After you add a new campagin record, its status is automatically set to planned when the start date is in future, or in progress when the start date is in the past. The following figure shows how one status flows into the next.

The status field for a campagin record can have any of the following values:

  • Planned
  • Indicates that the campaign start date is in future
  • You may make changes to the record
  • In progress
  • Indicates that the campaign start date is in the past
  • You may make changes to the record
  • Cancelled
  • Indicates that the campaign has not been completed as planned
  • You may not make changes to the record.
  • You may reopen the campaign
  • Closed
  • Indicates that the campaign has been completed as planned
  • You may not make changes to the record.
  • You may reopen the campaign

Workflow Menu Options

Depending on the status, the workflow menu for a campaign record has the following options:

  • Cancel
  • Sets the status to Cancelled
  • This option only appears when the status is planned or in progress
  • Close
  • Sets the status to Closed
  • This option only appears when the status is in progress
  • Reopen
  • Sets the status to In progress or Planned depending on the start date
  • This option only appears when the status is cancelled or closed



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