Introduction to the In-Kind Deliveries

An in-kind delivery is the mean to schedule and confirm the distribution of the various non-monetary items a stakeholder may be entitled to as part of his compensation agreement. Equivalent to the payment campaign which is the final part of the cash compensation process, the in-kind deliveries register represents the final part of the non-monetary compensation process.

In-Kind Deliveries are not grouped together like payment campaigns do for the various payments they include, by the nature of the transactions involved and reality on the ground. Therefore there is one in-kind delivery record per item to be provided to one stakeholder on one specific day. Also users are not able to create an in-kind delivery record – all are actually created automatically by the system upon compensation file approval.


How to work with the In-Kind Deliveries Register?

From the application menu, navigate to modules > Land Access > Compensation > in-kind deliveries.

  • Confirm or cancel in-kind delivery

An in-kind delivery is always scheduled automatically from the parameters set in a compensation file record. Once it’s been approved, its distribution can either be confirmed or cancelled. The In kind delivery report from the reports tab may prove to be useful to review what has to be distributed to the stakeholder. In order to confirm delivery, you must capture and outcome date for all stages included in the delivery stages tab. Alternatively, the workflow action “cancel” is the one to choose should the in-kind delivery be avoided for any reason.


What is the In-Kind Deliveries Register workflow?

Status Flow

After a new in-kind delivery record has been created by the system, its status is automatically set to Ready to deliver. The following figure shows how one status flows into the next.

The status field for an in-kind delivery record can have any of the following values:

  • New
  • Indicates that an in-kind item has been submitted for approval in a compensation file record. It may be approved or rejected at this stage.
  • Ready to deliver
  • Indicates that the in-kind item is ready to be delivered to the stakeholder
  • Cancelled
  • Indicates that the in-kind item has not and will not be delivered to the stakeholder
  • You are not allowed to make changes to the record
  • Delivered
  • Indicates that the in-kind item was delivered to the stakeholder
  • You are not allowed to make changes to the record

Workflow Menu Options

Depending on the status, the workflow menu for an in-kind delivery record has the following options:

  • Cancel
  • Sets the status to Cancelled
  • This option only appears when the status is ready to deliver


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