An in-kind in the context of the land access and compensation module is anything else than money that can be offered to a stakeholder as a compensation measure against economical or physical displacement. It can be anything from tools, subscription to livelihood restoration programs, monthly health checks, replacement house in the context of a RAP, etc.
The In-Kinds Register is a place to define each potential in-kind item which can be given through an entitlement matrix package. It is possible to capture a value, a description as well as the various steps required to complete delivery to the stakeholder.
How to work with the In-Kind Register?
From the application menu, navigate to modules > land_access > governance > in-kinds.
- Defining the in-kind
As well as entering the essential details about the in-kind in the general information tab, you will need to use the delivery stages tab to capture the one or many steps required before being able to deliver this item to a stakeholder. It is also recommended to add a picture of the item when applicable (it could be the replacement house plan for instance).
What is the In-Kind Register workflow?
Status Flow
After you add a new in-kind table record, its status is automatically set to draft. The following figure shows how one status flows into the next.
The status field for an in-kind record can have any of the following values:
- Draft
- Indicates that the in-kind is still being defined
- You may make changes to the record
- You are not able to include the in-kind as part of an entitlement matrix package
- Active
- Indicates that the in-kind has been officialised or approved
- You may not make changes to the record description, name and estimated value, but you can still modify or add delivery stages
- You are able to include the in-kind as part of an entitlement matrix package
- You may set the record inactive by using the corresponding workflow action.
- Inactive
- Indicates that the in-kind is no longer available for distribution
- You are not allowed to make changes to the record
- You may reactivate the in-kind at any time.
Workflow Menu Options
Depending on the status, the workflow menu for an in-kind record has the following options:
- Activate
- Sets the status to Active
- This option only appears when the status is draft
- Deactivate
- Sets the status to Inactive
- This option only appears when the status is active
- Reactivate
- Sets the status to Active
- This option only appears when the status is inactive