There are several elements making up the Borealis application. This includes more general UX elements such as buttons, lists, or menu; but it also includes forms the fields found in them.
To organize the way information is stored in a relatable way, the Borealis application has been structured around 4 main concepts which are linked in a parent-child type of relationship:
- Modules : These are the main organizational elements of Borealis. They are found in the Main menu. Examples of this are Stakeholder engagement, Social Investment, Compliance management, and Land access.
- Components : These are sub-organizational elements of modules and are found in the Component menu. Examples of this are Stakeholders, Planning, Engagements, and Land management.
- Registers: These are sub-organizational elements of components and contain the records created in Borealis. They are found in the Component menu and lead to a List page of the records. Example of this are Individuals, Organisations, Communications, and Agreements.
- Records: These are sub-organizational elements of registers and contain data on a specific item either entered manually in Borealis or uploaded using the Excel template. They are found in the list pages, accessed through a register. Examples of this are a specific individual, a specific organization, a specific communication, and a specific agreement.
The image below illustrates the following:
- Main menu
- Component menu
- Component
- Register