- Improvement of Analytics
- The application is available in Russian
- Automatic creation of individuals by email
- Integration of images in various lists
- Improved duplicates management for organisations
- New lists accessible from some sections
1. Improvement of Analytics
The Analytics tool has tremendous potential and the product development team has been working hard over the last weeks to enhance the various possibilities it brings to users.
Reports and widgets
Reports are now event better with the addition of widgets. Users can now view many entities in one same report. Furthermore both the dimension and position of each widget are customisable. Using their cursor, users can zoom in for a more precise view of information. Configuration of widgets is easier with a preview during edition mode.
New types of graphics
Many new graphics are now available in the Analytics tool:
- Column stacked
- Bar
- Bar stacked
- Line spline
- Area
- Area spline
- Area stacked
- Pie
- Half donut
- Pyramid
2. The application is available in Russian
Our Russian customers now have access to our application in their mother tongue. Other languages will be added to the application.
3. Automatic creation of individuals by email
When creating an informal consultation by email, all recipients of the email that were not registered in the application will be created automatically in the system. The application will even automatically link individuals to organisations if their email domain is associated with an organisation in the system.
4. Integration of images in various lists
When an image is saved for an individual, an organisation or even a household, it will also appear in the various lists in the application.
5. Improved duplicates management for organisations.
Duplicates management of organisations was improved using the same pattern used for the management of duplicates for individuals.
6. New lists accessible from some sections
- New list for related engagements: available for “Location,” “Categorization,” “Projects,” and “Employees.”
- New list for every socio-economic survey relating to each individual.