Open a Link in a New Web Browser Tab

While navigating in Borealis, you will sometimes come across elements you want to review after finishing your current task. To quickly shift back to that element, you can open it in a new browser tab which saves you time from navigating back and forth between tabs.

You have several options to open links in a new browser tab:

  • You can right-click on the link and select Open link in new tab.
    Other options are available to open the link in an incognito tab or even in a new browser window.
  • You can use CTRL+click on the link to open the link in a new tab. This shortcut keeps your current tab active while opening the clicked link in a new tab.
  • You can use CTRL+SHIFT+click on the link to open the link in a new tab. This shortcut shifts the view from your current tab to the newly opened tab.

Examples of Use Cases

  • From an Individual's record, you can CTRL+click on the link for a related communication. This will open the content of the communication in a new tab but will NOT shift the current view to the new tab.
  • From an Individual's record, you can CTRL+SHIFT+click on the link for a related communication. This will open the content of the communication in a new tab and will shift the current view to the new tab.


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