Land Management - Automatic Stakeholder Sync

Keeping records up-to-date can be a complicated multi-step process sometimes requiring several actions in Borealis. To help you simply the process we have several automation allowing you to update data affected by your changes.

The automatic stakeholder synchronization assists you with keeping the data regarding parcel landowners and stakeholders included in your engagement plan.

You can use the synchronization options when you or someone on your team modifies the following related to your engagement plan:

  • A land title covering a parcel in your engagement plan is created
  • A land title covering a parcel in your engagement plan is deactivated
  • An occupant is added to a parcel in your engagement plan
  • An occupant is deactivated from a parcel in your engagement plan
  • A new titleholder is added to a land title that covers a parcel in your engagement plan

Use the Sync Option

After one of the trigger scenario occurs, a banner will appear in the land management engagement plan where the change(s) were made.
Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 12.13.39 PM.png

  1. Click View details in the banner.
  2. In the Stakeholder changes to validate form, select the line which has the modified information you want to synchronize. You can also use the Batch update action in the upper right corner of the list to select multiple synchronization changes. 
    You can then use one of the following management option depending on scope of the change:
    • If a new Occupant or Titleholder was linked to the parcel: You can either Add them to your engagement plan, or Ignore this change.
    • If an Occupant or Titleholder was unlinked from the parcel: You can either Remove them from your engagement plan, or Ignore this change.
      Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 6.01.16 PM.png
  3. Click the Close button.
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