Create Actions From an Insight

AI insights are a great tool to quick catch up with key information related to a stakeholder. Furthermore, you can use the insights to quickly create or link actions to an insight.

Create a Task or an Issue From an Insight

  1. Navigate to either Individuals, Organisations, Communications, or Engagement plan in Stakeholder Engagement.
  2. Select the Individual, Organisation, Communication, or Engagement plan for which you want to create a task or issue from an insight.
  3. If you cannot locate the Insights:
    1. Click on the pane arrow on the upper right hand corner of the screen to open the Quick view pane.
    2. Click the Insights option.
  4. Scroll to the insight you want to create a task or issue for.
  5. Click the Create task or Create issue button.
    When you select + Create a task, a Quick task creation window will be opened. You can click More options to open the standard task creation form.
    • You can also click More actions to have access to more actions.
  6. Create a task or create an issue.
  7. Click the Save button.

A related task or issue will be created from this insight.

Link an Existing Task or Existing Issue to an Insight

  1. Navigate to either Individuals, Organisations, Communications, or Engagement plan in Stakeholder Engagement.
  2. Select the Individual, Organisation, Communication, or Engagement plan for which you want to link an insight to an existing task or existing issue.
  3. If you cannot locate the Insights:
    1. Click on the pane arrow on the upper right hand corner of the screen to open the Quick view pane.
    2. Click the Insights option.
  4. Scroll to the insight you want to link a task or issue to.
  5. Click the More actions button.
  6. Select Link to task or Link to issue.
  7. Select the task or issue to link this insight to from the Task or Issue drop-down list.
  8. Click the Save button.

The insight will now be linked to an existing task.

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