AI Summary of Documents

In an effort to streamline the access to information contained in documents, you can create summaries of documents in the Documents sections of your records. This allows you and your team to quickly get an overview of documents in this section and quickly find out the documents you are looking for.

Most documents can be summarized with some exception being image files, audio files, video files, and older version of Excel files.

Create a Summary From a Document

  1. Navigate to Documents section of the record which has a document you want to summarize.
  2. In the Documents list page, mouseover the document line which you want to summarize.
  3. Click the Summarize in-line button on the right side of the list page.
  4. A summary will then be generated in the AI Summary box regardless of whether a summary already exists for this document or not.
    Note that unless you actively save the summary, this is an on-demand field and it will not be saved.
    1. You then have several options available:
      • Save summary: If the Description field is empty, your newly created summary will be automatically saved to the Description field of the document.
        • If text is already present in the Description field, 2 options will be available and allow you to Replace the existing text or to Insert below the existing text.
      • Edit: If the Description field is empty, clicking the Edit button will open the communication Details window and you will be able to edit your newly created summary then Save it.
        • If text is already present in the Description field, 2 options will be available and allow you to Replace the existing text or to Insert below the existing text.

You can also click the Copy to clipboard icon to the right of the summary and paste the content of the summary into another medium as needed.
You can also click the X button to close the summary without saving it to the communication.


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