View Parcel Information | Borealis Mobile App

You can view information on parcels directly in the Borealis mobile application. While you cannot edit the information directly from the mobile application, you can view different details related to the selected parcel.

View Parcel Information in the Mobile Application

  1. Open the Navigation menu.
  2. Press on Parcels.
  3. Locate and open the parcel for which you want to view information. 
  4. You can then press on one of the 3 menu options to view relevant information linked to this parcel.
    • Stakeholders: This menu lets you view the list of stakeholders related to this parcel, whether they are titleholders, occupants, or other intereseted parties. You can press on their names to access their record.
    • Engagements: This menu lets you view the list of engagements linked to this parcel.
    • Others: This menu lets you view other elements related to the parcel such as Agreements, Properties, Overlapping Parcels, Tasks, and Engagement plans.
  5. You can also use the VIEW MORE INFO button to view the record information of the parcel.

View the Parcel in Your Map

  1. Open the Navigation menu.
  2. Press on Parcels.
  3. Locate and open the parcel for which you want to view information. 
  4. Press the option menu in the upper right corner of the application.
  5. Select Open in map.

The map will then open and will be centered on the parcel.

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