Update Contact Status of a Parcel

When interacting with stakeholders in regards to specific parcels, agreements, or other related records; you will find yourself having to update the contact status of your records to keep the data in Borealis up-to-date.

There are several options to update the contact status in regards to parcels and agreements. This article covers the following:

Update Contact Status for a Parcel from an Individual or Organisation record

  1. Navigate to either Individual or Organisation in Stakeholder Engagement.
  2. In the left hand menu, select Parcels under Land access.
  3. Mouseover the parcel in the Parcels list page for which you want to update the contact status.
  4. Click the Update contact status button on the right hand side of the page.
  5. Use the Contact status drop-down list to select the new contact status.
  6. Specify supporting information in the Comments field.
  7. Click the Save button.

Update Contact Status for a Parcel from the Parcel List page Individually

  1. Navigate to Parcels in Land access.
  2. Mouseover the parcel in the Parcels list page for which you want to update the contact status.
  3. Click the Update contact status button on the right hand side of the listpage.parcelslistupdatecontactstatus.png
  4. Use the Contact status drop-down list to select the new contact status.
  5. Specify supporting information in the Comments field.
  6. Click the Save button.

Update Contact Status for a Parcel from the Parcel List page in Batch

  1. Navigate to Parcels in Land access.
  2. Click the Select multiple button in the upper right corner of the list page.
  3. Select the parcels which you want to update from the list
  4. Click the Update contact status button in the upper right corner of the list page.
  5. Use the Contact status drop-down list to select the new contact status.
  6. Specify supporting information in the Comments field.
  7. Click the Save button.

Update Contact Status for a Parcel from an Agreement record

  1. Navigate to Agreements in Land access.
  2. Select the agreement for which you want to update the contact status of its parcel.
  3. In the left hand menu, select Parcels covered under Parcels covered.
  4. Mouseover the parcel in the Parcels list page for which you want to update the contact status.
  5. Click the Update contact status button on the right hand side of the page.
  6. Use the Contact status drop-down list to select the new contact status.
  7. Specify supporting information in the Comments field.
  8. Click the Save button.

Update Contact Status for a Parcel From the Map

Note that you can use the Show map button in the upper right corner of record information pages to display a record on the map and update the contact status from there.

  1. Navigate to the Map in the Main menu.
  2. Enter the parcel name you are looking for in the search function or pan and zoom the map to the parcel's location.
  3. The parcel should be selected by default but you can also click on the parcel to open the interactive record form.
  4. Click the Update contact status button.
  5. Use the Contact status drop-down list to select the new contact status.
  6. Specify supporting information in the Comments field.
  7. Click the Save button.

Update Contact Status from the Mobile Application

  1. Open the Navigation menu.
  2. Press on Parcels.
  3. Locate and open the parcel for which you want to update its contact status.
  4. Press on the options menu in the upper right corner.
  5. Press Update contact status
  6. Press on Contact status and select the new contact status from the list.
  7. Press on Comments and enter supporting information.
  8. Click the Save button.



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