Create and Edit Households

To open the “Households” section, click on the “Stakeholder Engagement” icon and select "Households" below the Stakeholder component.


Creating new Household

To add a household, click on the “Create” button at the top screen. An empty form will show up.

Enter the information relevant to the household (head of household, main address, etc.) and click on “Save”.






Once the record is created, the information previously entered will appear in the "Household" main menu 

Other tabs are now available to enter additional information :

- Contact information

- Household members

Updating existing household

Information on household has to be updated in order to keep it reliable. For instance, a member might have left the household or a member might have deceased over the course of a project.

Every section in the record has an “Edit” button that allows to modify and update the information.

New members can be added by clicking on the + in the “Members” tab. An End date can be added to a member that has left the household.

All household members are recorded as individuals in the system. Refer to the article “Create and edit individuals” to know how to add individuals to the application.


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