Introduction to Team Data Segregation Add-on

The Team Data Segregation Add-on (Formerly called Security Pack) presents 3 important features :

  1. Additional security on documents and fields - An additional level of security can be added to make some data or documents only available for specific users. Example of sensitive data: cell phone number of the mayor of a major city or services agreement with clients.
  2. Data segregation (by project) - Data segregation makes it possible to choose which users can access which information: data integrated into a corporate solution can be segregated by project, and users will only access project-specific data. Most of the time, this feature is used as a corporate solution to segregate data from different business units, projects or operation sites. 

    When using projects to segregate your data, you can configure the users' access rights by project. If you only want to use data segregation by project to help you manage your data without adding access restrictions, it is also possible. 

    Features characteristics:

    • The drop-down lists values in Boréalis will be the same for every project
    • A two-level project hierarchy can be created (Parent-Child Relation)
    • It is possible to add this feature at any time. The efforts needed to segregate the existing data will be more important than if the segregation is in place since the beginning.
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