Share a Record

After a record has been created in Borealis, you can share it with other users either by sending the link to them or by sharing the record by email.

Share a Record by Sending the Link Directly to Someone

  1. Navigate to the record you want to share with someone.
  2. Click on the Share icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Select Copy link
    The link will be copied to your clipboard.
  4. You can then paste the link in a message or document.

People who can access this record will be able to view it.

Share a Record by Sending the Link Through Email

  1. Navigate to the record you want to share with someone.
  2. Click on the Share icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Select Share by email.
  4. In the Share form, use the Users drop-down list to select one or several users to share the record with.
  5. Specify an optional message to add context.
  6. Click the Share button.

An email will then be sent to the email of the user(s) selected in the Users drop-down list.

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