Execute an Inspection

The inspections generated when the program starts are listed in the "Inspections" tab. They are also found in the section of the same name. An inspection consists of determining the conformity or nonconformity of conditions at a specific date.

When creating an inspection from a program, information is already pre-filled and conditions are also found. It is also possible to create an ad-hoc inspection in the corresponding section. In this case, the conditions must be added manually.

Important fields:

  • Target date (the date on which the inspection must be completed)
  • Date of the inspection
  • Responsible person
  • Inspection Result

An inspection result must be indicated for each condition (see "Conditions" tab). A compliant result does not generate an observation, contrary to a non-compliant result.

  • In the case of a non-compliant result, an observation title is requested.
  • In all cases, it is possible to add an evidence document. It is actually an indication (photo, document, letter, etc.) of the condition compliant or non-compliant status.

To close the inspection (Process button), enter the results for all conditions. Once the inspection is closed, an observation is generated for each non-compliant result.

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