More powerful Analytics, More powerful Outlook Add-In
As you know, the Borealis team is constantly developing our software to meet your needs and ensure you’re always working with the world’s most advanced stakeholder engagement management system. Our 2020 Q1 Product Release brings an improved Analytics tool and Outlook Add-in that lets you easily save calendar information to Borealis.
Report filters
You can now add a new filter to all widgets in your reports, making them easier to consult and manipulate.
Want to break down your weekly report of staff activities, which includes widgets for task completion, communications with stakeholders and a map of visited stakeholders for each staff member? Simply apply the Staff filter to generate a report for that particular staff member only.
Filters available:
- Date range
- Individual
- Organisation
- Engagement plan
- Distribution list
- Staff member
- Location
See more examples of what you can do with these filters by going in Analytics and searching for “Engagement statistics”, “Assignments” or “Distribution list data quality”, as these are reports we created for you.
New way to access your reports
Just created an extremely useful report and want to make sure everyone can access it? Now it’s easy. Users feel more engaged when they have a clear view of a project’s evolution and can access pertinent data about what they do. This feature can help improve data quality, engagement statistics, performance follow-up, etc.
Once you created a report with a filter on, for example, Engagement plans, you can simply go the “Related reports” section in the upper-right of the Engagement plan section and add it. Add it just for yourself or – if you have the right permissions – for your whole team.
You’ll find sample reports in the following sections:
- Individuals
- Organizations
- Engagement plans
- Users and Staff members
Outlook Add-in – Add your calendar events to Borealis
Our popular Outlook add-in is now even better! Now you can add events from your Outlook calendar to Borealis just as easily as you can with emails.
IMPORTANT: The Outlook Add-In needs to be updated for this new feature to work. Read the installation procedure and the update procedure.
Perform actions on ANY list of stakeholders
This improvement may seem trivial, but it’s a game-changer.
Now you can quickly perform actions on any list of stakeholders.
For example:
- Create an engagement plan for all stakeholders overlapping a company asset.
- Update the project value for all stakeholders in your engagement plan.
- Create a distribution list based on all stakeholders at last week’s town hall meeting.
- And more!
Simply click on the new “View X individuals”, or “View X organizations” button at the top of any list of stakeholders anywhere in Borealis.
Read our Help Desk article to learn how to use it.
Other Improvements
Stakeholder Engagement Module
- Lists lines now expand automatically to make longer texts easier to read.
- Better detection of duplicate organisations.
- “Link to organisation” action now allows you to enter an individual’s position – you can even do this for multiple individuals at a time when they have the same position.
- “Communications” list in individuals now has the (+) button for creating a new communication or for adding the stakeholder as a participant to an existing communication.
- When looking at the participants of a communication, there’s now a hyperlink on the individual’s position to go straight to his or her organization page.
- Smart communications – You can now choose the order in which letters and labels are printed.
Land Access and Management
- You can now see overlapping company’s assets when looking at a parcel record.
- Maps can now display the Survey IDs of impacted inventories instead of the reference number.