Required Borealis Add-on: Smart communications
Difficulty: Medium
The Borealis Smart emails add-on allows you to track which stakeholders opened (or didn't open) the smart email you sent them and how many times.
Borealis automatically adds an invisible pixel into each email that is sent. Every time a stakeholder views the email and allows embedded images to load, this pixel is loaded, allowing Borealis to count how many times the pixel was downloaded.
You can monitor your open rate directly in your Smart communication section, under the "Communications" tab and the "Email read" column.
The invisible pixel tracking can sometimes be deactivated in the following situations:
- Your stakeholder reads his email in plain text format
- Your stakeholder does not automatically download images when opening or reading an email
- The stakeholder's organization uses filters and tools to block images from incoming emails.
A very strict spam filter may also impact your open rate, but Borealis closely follows email management best practices in that matter.
Also, note that this feature does not track whether or not a smart email was transferred to another stakeholder along the way.