Product Release - September 2020

New tools to interact with your stakeholders the way they want

This release comes with two new great Add-Ons that will allow you to get even closer to your stakeholders. By activating the SMS functionality or the Online grievance portal, your organization is saying loud and clear that it wants to interact with stakeholders the way they want.


Communicate Via SMS With Your Stakeholders

It is now possible to send SMS messages to your stakeholders and to receive replies directly from Borealis.


Communicating with stakeholders using their preferred method of communication will help you build more trusted relationships. Moreover, by doing it through Borealis, you are making sure all communications are centralized. Finally, you are saving time by sending large amount of communication at once.

This can be quite handy for:

  • Inviting stakeholders who already expressed interest to a public consultation.
  • Informing stakeholders of a maintenance operation that is planned near their home.
  • Providing information related to decisions made on what matters to them.
  • Etc.

The Add-On allows :

  • Sending SMS directly to one stakeholder or multiple stakeholders.
  • Receiving replies from stakeholders.
  • Configuring notifications to be sent to senders, relationship managers, superusers, when a reply was received.

This Add-On is only available in specific countries. Contact us for more information on how to activate it.


Online Grievances Portal

Borealis now offers an online portal for stakeholders to lodge their grievances, feedback, and follow-ups, anonymously or not, as they wish.


  • Make your grievance process more transparent and more accessible by offering an online option to send grievances. 
  • Allow your stakeholders to enter their grievance anonymously.
  • Built-in follow-up system where stakeholders can add more details on their grievance and staff can send information on the resolution process directly in the portal, even for anonymous grievants.
  • Seamlessly integrated with the Borealis grievance management process.

The portal allows for stakeholders to lodge their grievances online and for Borealis users to send updates on the grievance directly from Borealis. Notifications are sent to grievants by email if they asked for it and they can provide more details directly from the portal.

The portal is an Add-on to the Grievance Management module. Contact us for more information on how to activate it.


Data Security - Restricting Rights to Export Data

Data security is at the heart of Borealis and its clients' concerns. For a long time now it has been possible in Borealis to get the information on who exported data from Borealis and when. Now Borealis goes even further by allowing superusers to choose who has access to data export.  It is important to control the access to export large amount of information from your platform.

For this reason we introduced this new flexibility for access management:

  • Exporting data to Excel can now be restricted to certain users.
  • Only users with Data export, Information manager or Administrator type profile will be able to export data from the corresponding modules.
  • All users who had this access before, will maintain it; but a superuser will now be able to revoke this access, on a user by user basis.
  • When creating new users, you will now have to explicitly grant them the rights to Export to Excel.

Other Improvements


  • It is now possible to import documents along with your data. When importing historical stakeholders, parcels, grievances, etc. you can now import attached documents along with your data. See the article for more details.
  • Using the Share button to share a record will now add a trace in the Action histor" of the record, allowing users to verify if they have shared the record before and who they shared it with.

Stakeholder Engagement Module

  • Communications : New action Link to task to mark the communication as a follow-up to a task directly from the communication or from the communications list.
  • Organisations : It is now possible to enter identification details like it was possible for individuals.

Social Investment Module

  • It is now possible to enter multiple locations for a Community Contribution or a Strategic Community Investment.
  • Different beneficiaries can now be linked to different items and deliveries requested as part of a single community contribution. It is also possible to note whether there was a distinct payee from the beneficiary.
  • It is now possible to link a Cost Code from your financial system to any requested and approved contribution.

Land Access Module

  • Impact inventories - It is now possible to perform the "Reopen" action to multiple records (superusers only)
  • Land management - Completely new section available to track heritage sites
  • Land management - Searching parcels can now be done by using the parcel's address, anywhere in the system
  • Land management - Parcel identifier field can now be modified after a parcel is created.
  • Land management - New option to completely hide the land titles and to streamline the link between stakeholders and parcels. Contact Borealis to activate this option.
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