Assign Access rights and User profiles

Required functionality: "Project Security (RLS)"
Access required: Superuser profile, or Configuration - Administrator profile


Assigning user profiles provides various levels of access to the different modules of the system, including specific actions (e.g. data entry, manager, guest, etc.).

Assigning projects to users gives them access to specific data. This is called data segregation.

  1. Click on the "Users" icon in the left menu of the Borealis application
  2. Click on "Users" in the list of options and access the user registry you wish to manage
  3. On the "General Information" tab inside the "Access" section, click "Modify"
    Tip: You can use the search engine function to go directly to the desired user.
  4. Add the desired profiles in the "User profiles" field.
    Note that you can select all desired profiles in one operation.
  5. Specify which projects the user will have access to.
    For each existing project, there are two options: "Read only" and "Full access".
    - Read Only - The user can only read the information in this project.
    - Full Access - The user can create and edit project information
  6. Save the changes

Tip: You can use the CTRL+ENTER keyboard shortcut to quickly save your changes.

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