Use More Than one Filter in Your Widget

After you have created and added filters to your widget, you will often times need to add additional filters to truly zone in on your dataset to efficiently highlight the information you want to presents.

This is where using several filters and understanding the logic behind how they are applied becomes important.

  • If you are using several filters on your widget and each of them is applied to different columns, this means that filters will be processed as ANDs (e.g., Filter 1 AND Filter 2)
  • If you are using several filters on your widget and each of them is applied to the same column, this means that filters will be processed as ORs (e.g., Filter 1 OR Filter 2).
  • If you are using multiple filters applied to a single column and 1 filter applied to another column, this means that the multiple filters applied to the first column will be processed as ORs and the filter applied to the other column will be applied as an AND (Filter 1 OR Filter 2 AND Filter 3).
  • If you are using multiple filters applied to a first column and multiple filters applied to a second column, this means that the filters applied to the first column will be processed as ORs and the second group of filters will be applied as an AND (in relation to the filters of the first column) but that filters on the second column will be applied as ORs in relation to one another ((Filter 1 OR Filter 2) AND (Filter 3 OR Filter 4)). 

Filter Application Example

Dataset example:

Name Categorization Location
Donald Ackerman Elder, Landowner Canada
Robert Kitto Youth Canada
John Smith Elder USA

Using the following filters:

  • Filter #1: Categorization with “Landowner”
  • Filter #2: Categorization with “Elder”;
  • Filter #3: Location equals “Canada (Country)”;
  • Donald Ackerman would be the result for this filter configuration.


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