Positions represent the link between individuals and organizations. It is on behalf of their positions that individuals are directly or indirectly engaging within an organization.
To create a new position, it is necessary to start from the register of individuals or organizations. It is also possible to create a position at the same time as an individual. In this case, in the individual creation form, select an organization and the fields related to the creation of the position become available for completion.
Starting from an individual's record :
1. Open the record of an existing Individual
2. Create a new position by going to the Positions tab on the far left
3. Click on the + sign to create a new position
4. A new file will open to add the new information for the new position for the individual
Starting from an organization's record :
1. Open the record of an existing Organisation
2. Create a new position by going to the Members tab on the far left
3. Click on the + sign to create a new position
4. A new file will open to add the new information for the new position for the individual
In all cases, it is mandatory to choose the individual (if the creation is done from the organization's file) or the organization (if the creation is done from the individual's file). All the other attributes available in the creation form are optional, but useful to ensure more rigor and value to the reports that refer to the positions:
You can therefore fill in the following information when creating a new position:
- Position: Enter the position title;
- Email: Choose an email address from among those available in the individual's record. You may find these options in the Contact Information section (under the Contacts tab). For individuals who hold multiple positions, this will allow the system to automatically link communications to the correct position when processing emails.
- Main Communication Method: Select a main communication method if you want it to be different from the one used to communicate with the individual outside of their position. These options are also sourced in the Contact Information section (under the Contacts tab).
- Role: Choose a role to categorize the position. This categorization will allow you to group all positions from different organizations that involve similar functions, regardless of the titles they have been given. This grouping is useful when you want to send smart communications, for example, to all account managers in multiple organizations. The role could be named "Account Manager" even though the position is called differently in each organization.
- Dates: If you put an end date on the position you create, the position will expire once the end date is reached. Thus, this position will still remain visible in the individual's log, with an inactive status. Previous communications will remain linked to the organization, allowing a complete communication history log to be maintained.