A land unit represents a geographic location that you want to have in Borealis that is not a cadastral unit (parcel) or an asset that you own (company assets). It could be a separation of the land for exploration purposes, environmental protection areas or anything else. In Borealis, land units are components of the Land Management module and can contribute to bringing additional information to a stakeholder's record. All interactions and engagement plans also contain references to land units.
Create a Land Unit
- Navigate to Land units in Land access.
- Click the +Create button in the upper left corner of the list page.
- Specify information for the mandatory fields:
- Name: This indicates the name of the land unit and will be used to identify it.
- Project: This indicates the project to which this land unit is attached.
- You can also specify information in additional fields:
- Land unit type: This represents the general type of land unit in your system. This drop-down list is populated by the Land unit type data dictionary.
- Geometry: This field lets you select a previously imported geometry that covers this land unit. You can the view the physical representation using the map tool.
Note that a geometry can only be used in one land unit and you will need to re-import the geometry with a new name or unlink the geometry from its current land unit if you want to re-use it. - Titleholders: This field lets your select the titleholders associated with this land unit, if there are any.
- Start date: This indicates the date at which your land unit becomes active.
- End date: This indicates the date at which your land unit is no longer active.
- Several other fields are also available for identification purposes and can be used to support your company processes.
- Click the Save button.
Edit a Land Unit
- Navigate to Land unit in Land access.
- Open the land unit which you want to edit.
- In the left hand menu, select General information.
- Click the Edit icon (pencil) in the upper right corner of the information page.
- Modify the land unit record information as needed.
- Click the Save button.