Use Objectives and Milestones in Engagement plans

Objectives and Milestones allow you to increase the level of details of your Engagement Plans. They represent specific actions, moments or goals that can be achieved because of the implementation of your engagement strategy.

Create an Objective or Milestone

  1. Navigate to Engagement plans in Stakeholder Engagement.
  2. Open the engagement plan for which you want to add an objective or milestone.
  3. Select General information from the left hand record menu.
  4. Scroll down to the Objectives & Milestones section of the General information page.
  5. Click the + (Add) icon.
  6. Fill in the fields of the Add - Objectives & Milestones form. Several fields are mandatory:
    • Type: This identifies the type of Objective / Milestone created.
    • Title: This is the title of the Objective / Milestone created.
    • Description: Description of the Objective / Milestone. This can be used to help users understand the strategic value of the Objective / Milestone.
  7. Click the Save button.

Note: You can create multiple Objectives / Milestones in a row by flagging the Create another checkbox located at the bottom of the form.

Manage Objectives and Milestones

Change the Status of an Objective / Milestone

Once an Objective / Milestone has been created, its status appears as Not Started.

To change the status of an Objective / Milestone:

  1. Mouseover the Objective / Milestone with a status you want to change.
  2. Click the Start progress or select the new status from the Ellipsis (...) menu.SE-_Manage_objectives_milestones__3.png

Several options are available:

  • Start progress: This option changes the status to In progress
  • Stop progress:  This option changes the status to Not Started.
  • Unachieved: This option changes the status to Unachieved.
  • Complete: This option changes the status to Completed.
  • Cancel: This option changes the status to Cancelled.
  • Remove: This option lets you delete an Objective / Milestone.
  • Reopen: This option changes the status of a Cancelled or Completed Objective / Milestone to Not started.

Edit an Objective / Milestone

When completing or canceling an Objective / Milestone it is important to provide the information for the remaining fields of the Objective / Milestone record.

To edit an Objective / Milestone:

  1. Mouseover the Objective / Milestone you want to edit.
  2. Click the in-line Edit button.
  3. Specify information in the Objectives & Milestones form.
    • Achieved date: This represents the date when the Objective / Milestone was completed.
    • Result: This field can be used to provide a description of the achieved result and any additional information relevant to the success or failure of the Objective / Milestone.
    • Associated value: If relevant, this field can be used to indicate the specific monetary value (cost or revenue) associated to the Objective / Milestone
    • Value type: This field is used to indicate the type of Associated value (cost or revenue).
  4. Click the Save button.
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