Create land titles and titleholders

Land titles are legal documents that both create and terminate legal rights in property, including description of the parcel/property, owner names, address, etc.

In general, land titles are provided by official authorities and are mostly necessary during infrastructure projects. Once the geographical area of a project is identified, the first step is to obtain a list of the land titles for that project zone. At the heart of all land titles stays the parcel. Most of the times, this is attached to a stakeholder who holds a right on that land. In this context, that stakeholder becomes a titleholder.

Land titles

Before creating land titles in Borealis system, it is necessary to create the parcels first. As parcels, land titles can be created manually or in batch, by an Excel import. When creating a land title, it is mandatory to associate one or more parcels to it. At the same time, it is also possible to include one or more titleholders.

To manually create a land title, please follow these steps:

  • Go to Land Management module and click on the Land titles component.
  • Click Create and complete this form:


Land titles can become inactive when they are no longer valid. To do so, open the Workflow menu and click Deactivate. A new land title can then be created with new information about parcel and/or titleholder. 


Titleholders are stakeholders owning a title on a property as defined by a land title. In Boréalis system, when a land title contains a parcel together with its titleholder, the corresponding stakeholders and parcels are automatically interconnected as well.

You can add one or multiple stakeholders as titleholders at the same time when creating the land title. To do so, in the land title creation form, click on the action "Add titleholder" and complete the necessary fields:


It is also possible to create a titleholder after the creation of a land title by adding them to the parcel. To do so:

  • Open an existing parcel and go to Land title tab.
  • Click on the + sign to create or to link an existing land title to the parcel.
  • By selecting a land title that already has a titleholder attached to it, the stakeholder becomes linked to the parcel as well.
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