Heritage Site Management

New Feature - Heritage Site Management

Date: December 01, 2020


Our mining clients are familiar with the challenges of properly managing a heritage site, but heritage sites can also pop up in energy, infrastructure and even transportation projects.

That’s why we added the 'Heritage Site Management' feature to our 'Land Management module'. Here are its main uses and benefits.




After activating this feature, you can create a register of all heritage sites located near an activity site or identified during the course of a project.


In this register, you can document important information about the site, such as:

  • Location
  • Characteristics (prohibited actions, movability, importance, age, etc.)
  • All work carried out
  • Remains discovered


You can also link your stakeholders, infrastructures and actions to each site to establish the appropriate consultation process with local communities. This will strengthen trust and help ensure the long-term success of your project.


Benefits of documenting heritage sites in Borealis

  • By linking communications and stakeholders to a site, you can create a strategic engagement plan that will allow you to address the risks of moving a site.
  • By providing the Operations team with a register of all data related to a cultural heritage site, you can avoid uninformed decisions.
  • By methodically documenting all discoveries and commitments made with respect to a heritage site, you can pass this information on to experts for analysis.

Learn more >


Tips and tricks

Want to see a list of all tasks you need to do? Simply select the “Assigned to Me” and “Hide Completed” quick filters.

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