Configure geometry files for import

To configure geometry files for import

  1. A "compressed (.zip)" file is the only accepted format. The system expects that the archive contains a single shapefile, which technically is composed of several files (.shp, .shx, .prj, .dbf, .sbx). 
  2. The shapefile must have a column named "ID" that is unique to each record, this will become the unique identifier for each asset. Another column named "COMMENTS" can be used to add details.
  3. You will need one shapefile for each geometry type i.e. Polygon / line / point.
  4. The shapefiles must use a "spatial reference system" (projection) present in the system (for example EPSG:4326). If the spatial reference system you want to use is not available, you can contact us and we may be able to add it.
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