Smart communication system reports

Required Borealis Add-on: Smart communications


-Preparing a smart communication requires the verification of the contact information of the intended recipients.

-Once your smart communication is sent, you want to know who received, opened and read it.

-That's why we provide you with an Analytics-ready reports that meet these needs.

-The reports below are available by default in your system, find them using the search tool ;





Distribution list data quality

This report can be very useful when setting up smart email with unsubscribe as it provides an overview of the data quality per distribution list. Please note that verifying contact information is a crucial step when setting up an Newsletter. This report contains several widgets that address this need, such as the list of stakeholders without email.




The 'Distribution List - Data Quality' report offers the possibility to filter by distribution list via a custom filter available at the top of the report.




Smart Email - Statistics

This report allows you to track the opening and reading of your smart emails via, among other things, a graph showing the proportion of recipients who have read the email. Click on one of the sections of the pie chart to see the list of corresponding communications. A table is also available showing the most read communications by stakeholder. This will show you which community stakeholders are most involved and interested in your content. A high number of reads may also mean that the email has been forwarded to others.




In the case of smart emails with unsubscribe, the list of unsubscribed recipients is presented to you in a table. You will be able to follow up on the stakeholders who no longer wish to receive communications from you. 




The last widget lists the communications received from your stakeholders in response to one of your smart emails. This allows you to target the smart emails that have caused the most reaction, and take action accordingly if necessary.




The 'Smart Email - Statistics' report offers the possibility to filter by smart email via a custom filter available at the top of the report.



If you wish to create your own Analytics reports, or learn more about this tool, we invite you to consult the documentation available here.




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