Create and Edit Communications | Borealis Mobile App

You can create communications directly from the Borealis Mobile application and specify their geographical locations. This then helps with data keeping and improves search results when looking for events in previously specified locations.

Create a New Communication

  1. Press the Create button.
  2. Press the Communications icon.
  3. Fill in the different fields.
  4. To link a geographical location to this communication, press the Address field.
  5. The Address form offers several options to specify a location.
      • You can use the Search bar to enter the exact address
      • You can Select address nearby from the list of nearby addresses
      • You can use the given GPS coordinates from Use coordinates
      • You can use the map to find your approximate location, then press and hold until the geomarker lands on your indicated position.
  6. Press the OK button.
  7. After the remaining fields have been filled, press the Create button.

Edit a Communication

You can edit existing communications to correct or add more information.

  1. Locate the communication you want to edit.
  2. Press on it to open the Details page.
  3. Press the Edit icon in the upper right corner of the app.
  4. Press on the field(s) you want to edit and enter the corrected information.
  5. After the communication has been updated, press the Save button.
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