Forward Documents and Messages from WhatsApp | Borealis Mobile App

WhatsApp is a messaging app that allows it users to communicate through message and images. The Borealis Mobile App allows for the transfer of messages and images from WhatsApp to Borealis, making pushing data to Borealis easy and convenient.

Transfer Messages, Documents and Images with an IPHONE

Transfer Single Items

  1. Select the item you wish to attach to your communication.
  2. Press and hold on it.
  3. Press Forward.
  4. Find the Borealis application.
  5. Complete the Create communication form.
  6. Press Create.

Transfer Several Items

  1. Select the items you wish to attach to your communication.
    You can flag several items at once while in multi-select mode.
  2. Press the Share button located at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
  3. Find and press on the Borealis Mobile Application.
  4. Complete the Create communication form.
    When sharing a message, it will appear in the Description field of the Create communication.
  5. Press Create.
  6. After sending things through the Borealis Mobile App, a confirmation message will be displayed at the bottom of your screen indicating the number of items that were added to Borealis.

Transfer Messages, Documents and Images With an ANDROID Device

Transfer Documents and Images

Transferring text messages is not directly available for the Android version and is covered in a separate section.

  1. Locate the first item you want to transfer to Borealis.
  2. Press and hold on it to enter the multi select mode.
    The first item will be selected. Flag any other item you want to export to Borealis by flagging them.
  3. Press the ellipsis (kebab) menu in the upper right corner of your screen.
  4. Select the Share option.
  5. Find and press on the Borealis Mobile Application.
  6. Complete the Create communication form.
  7. Press Create.
  8. After sending things through the Borealis Mobile App, a confirmation message will be displayed at the bottom of your screen indicating the number of items that were added to Borealis.

Share Text Messages

  1. Select the item you wish to attach to your communication.
  2. Press and hold on it.
  3. Press the ellipsis (kebab) menu  in the upper right corner of your screen.
  4. Press Copy.
  5. Open the Borealis Mobile Application and create a new communication.
  6. Paste the message in the Description field of the Create communication form.
  7. Press Create.
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