It is possible to quickly add a list of Stakeholders as Beneficiaries to a Social Investment (community contributions and strategic community investments) without having to add them all one by one.
Here are the recommended steps:
From individuals or organisations
1.Make sure all of your stakeholders are registered in your instance. The Create and Edit Individuals article will explain how to add stakeholders to your instance. (Note: not necessary if you know the stakeholders you want to add as Beneficiaries are already in the system) ;
2. Select the multiple individuals you would like to link to your social investments individuals ;
3. Click on the 'Actions ' button and choose either 'Link to strategic community investment' or 'Link to community contribution', depending on the type of your social investment :
4. A form will appear, search and select the right Strategic Community Investments and link :
5. From the "Main menu" on the left, select and under "Social investment" scroll to "Strategic community investments" to select the one you have created :
6. Open your investment and on the "Main menu" click on the green + button to add your beneficiaries :
7. A form will open up, search for your stakeholder, and click 'save' :