Create and Edit Users

Adding a User

1. Click on the "Users" icon from the main menu on the left. Choose the "Create" button and fill in the form and "Save":




2. When creating a new user account, it is possible to check the box to create as an " Invite guest" or "Create as staff member". Press the "Save" button to finalize the work:



Assigning Profiles to Users

Assigning profiles to users provide them with access to the different modules of the system in order to perform specific actions. Example; data entry, manager, guest, etc.

Assigning Projects to Users

Once a project is created, rights to access data referring to this project can be provided to users.

Assigning projects to users provide them with access to specific data. This is what is called data segregation.

For each existing projects, there are two groups: “Read-only” and “Full access”. Someone who has the “Read-only” option for a project can only read the information from that project, while someone with the full access option can create and edit information.

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