After you add a new commitment record, its status is automatically set to open. The following figure shows how one status flows into the next.
The status field for a commitment record can have any of the following values:
- Open: Indicates that the commitment is ready to be assessed.
- In progress: Indicates that the commitment has been assessed. It can be reassess if required.
- Closed: Indicates that the commitment follow-up has been completed and that there is nothing remaining to follow-up
- Referred to external mechanism: Indicates that the commitment has been refered to an external mechanism.
Depending on the status, the workflow menu for a commitment record has the following options:
- Assess: once a commitment is open, it can be assessed. By choosing this option, a popup will appear and resquest for assessment information.
- Close: A commitment "In progress" or "Referred to external mechanism" can be closed. Once this option is selected, you will be asked to complete close-out information.
- Reopen: reopening a close commitment sets its status to in progress.
- Refer to external mechanism: once a commitment is in progress, it is possible to refer it to an external mechanism. Once a commitment is referred to an external mechanism it can remain with this status or can further be closed.