Basic Navigation

Before even starting to work in Borealis, you will need to get familiar with our interface and the most important commands. The information below provides you the basics to start using the system.




Note: What you can see and change in the Borealis application will depend on the security settings that your system administrator has assigned to you.


Main menu

Home: Brings you back to your home page which includes your activities and other relevant reports.

Bookmarks: Allows you to see your list of bookmarks and organize them by folders.

Modules: List of modules you have access to depending on your subscription and user profile.

Activity: The activity log includes a list of recent activities performed by all users.

Tasks: Allows you to view and complete your tasks as well as create new ones, or see the complete list of open tasks for your team.

Map: Display information associated with a geospatial location or geometry. It also allows you to search and create a new stakeholder using Google Maps.

Analytics: Allows you to create widgets and reports to measure performance and analyze information.

Users: Provides access to users information and configuration according to the user's profile.

Configuration: Provides access to system configuration options according to the user's profile.


Top bar

Create: Allows you to create a new record in the system. Most common options always show up, and you can use the search box to see all available options.

Search: It allows you to search for information in the entire application or to select a specific section from the drop-down list (the advanced search option is only available when a specific section is selected).

Project selector: Allows you to access information about a specific project.

Help center: Opens the Help Center page where you can create a support ticket and search for reference articles classified by module.

Activity: Displays your most recent activity.

User profile: Provides access to your user profile, email integration instructions, Borealis privacy policy and terms and conditions, and the logout button.


Record menu

Regardless of the icon or module chosen, this menu will give access to sections and sub-sections. The "Record Menu" reflects what has been previously recorded. 


Record page

From the "Record menu" and what you choose to view, the "Record page" will give you the necessary details. 

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