Change a Position from One Organisation to Another

Changing a position from one organisation to another is a very specific use case. You are most likely going to need to manage stakeholders with multiple positions and/or create a new position for a stakeholder.

Occasionally, you may need to move a position and its related information from one organisation to another. This can occur when a position was initially entered for an organisation mistakenly and now needs to be moved to its actual organisation or in certain cases of restructuring within companies.

When changing the organisation that a position belongs to, you will also be transferring information linked to the position (e.g., communications, issues) to the new organisation.

The Change organisation feature must only be used when there was a mistake and the organisation is wrong. If the Individual occupying this position moved on to another organisation, you should deactivate their current position in the system by entering an end date and create a new position for them in their new organisation.

Change a Position From One Organisation to Another

If the individual just moved to a new organisation, you can deactivate the current position in their old organisation by entering an end date and create a new position for their new organisation.

  1. Navigate to Individuals in Stakeholder Engagement.
  2. Locate and select the individual whose position you want to change from one organization to another organization.
  3. In the left hand record menu, select Positions.
  4. Mouseover the position which you want to change to a new organization.
  5. Click the Change organisation button on the right and side of the position.
  6. Select the new organisation that will host the position from the Organisation drop-down list.
  7. Click the Save button.

After carrying out this procedure, all existing data related to the original organisation, and linked directly to this position will become linked to the new host organisation. 

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