Required access: Edition rights in Analytics
Difficulty: medium
Borealis widgets provide a lot of flexibility in data requests to build custom reports. The following recipe allows the creation of a calculated value in a widget to get, for example:
- The latest communication any member of your team had with a list of stakeholders
- The latest communication that took place in a list of targeted engagement plans
- The latest grievance by subject category
- The latest engagement a target user created in Borealis
To create a "latest date" calculated value:
- Create a widget by selecting the appropriate form
- Access the "Calculated value" tab and click the "Add value" button
- Select "Maximum" in the "Type" field
- Select the targeted date field in the "Column" field
- Optional: Edit the auto-generated name for the created value
Then add the new calculated value in "Properties" tab and save your widget.
The widget created in this video is also available in your own Borealis. Search for "Recipe: Calculating the latest date" in the widget list for a System personalised example.