Land titles are legal documents that both create and terminate legal rights in property, including description of the parcel/property, owner names, address, etc.
Land titles are usually provided by official authorities and are mostly necessary during infrastructure projects. Once the geographical area of a project is determined and the parcels affected are identified, the next step is to obtain a list of the land titles for that project zone. At the heart of all land titles stays the parcel, and the stakeholders who hold rights on that land. In this context, that stakeholder becomes a titleholder.
While you can create land titles manually, you can also import them in batch using the Excel templates.
Additionally, you can add your titleholders during the land title creation but you can also add titleholders to your land titles after they have been created or import them in batch using the Excel templates.
Create Land Titles in Borealis
Before creating land titles in Borealis, you must have created their parcels first, either manually or import them using the Excel template.
- Navigate to Land titles in Land Access
- Click the +Create button in the list page.
- Fill in the mandatory fields:
- Name: This is the name used to identify this land title.
- Projects: This is used to indicate the project linked to this land title.
- Parcels: This is used to select the parcel(s) covered by this land title. You must have already created your parcel before creating your land title. If you imported and linked a geometry to the parcel, you will be able to view it on your map.
- You can also add titleholder(s) to this land title at creation or you can add them manually after creating the land title.
- Click the +Add titleholder button.
- Create a new stakeholder (individual or organisation) or select an existing stakeholder from the Stakeholder drop-down list.
- Select the type of tenancy from the Tenancy type drop-down list. This list is populated from the Link titleholders with tenancy type, Tenancy type data dictionary.
- Specify relevant information for the Titleholder interest and Alias.
- Fill in any other fields required by your workflow and leverage other feature of Borealis.
- Click the Save button.
You can flag the Create another option to begin the creation of another land title.
Edit Land Titles in Borealis
- Navigate to Land titles in Land Access
- Select and open the land title which you want to modify.
- In the left hand menu, select General information.
- Click the Edit (pencil) icon in the upper right corner of the information page.
- Modify fields as needed.
- Click the Save button.