Link your Borealis calendar to Gmail

In order to add your Borealis task calendar to Gmail, make sure you have Created the Calendar widget beforehand. Then, you can proceed to the following steps:


1. After selecting the individual or organization, head to the "Main Menu", select "Analytics" and choose the appropriate calendar widget to be linked to your account. "View":



2. By clicking the 3 dots on the side, choose "Export to Ical":



3. Copy the link that will appear in this page:



4. Open your Gmail calendar and go to the bottom section, marked "Other Calendars". Click on the +. Choose the "From URL" option, in order to copy the above link:




5. Paste the link and click on "Add a calendar":



6. Your Borealis calendar will be added to your Gmail:



Note: To learn more about this procedure, please see the article Importing Calendars.

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