Edit a Widget

After creating a widget you might need to adjust it to add or replace filters and curate the data displayed by it; likewise, you might also be looking to modify a freshly duplicated widget to tailor a duplicated system widget to your needs or customize a widget built by one of your colleagues to better reflect the data you are trying to display.

Edit a Widget

You can edit the Properties of your widget, the filters and the calculated value by using the Edit button.

  1. Navigate to the widget you want to edit in Analytics.
  2. Click the Edit button in the upper right corner of the widget.
  3. From the Settings window, you can edit:
    • The Properties: each widget has its own set of properties based on its type.
    • The Filters: to refine the dataset based on specific criteria. Indicate whether the value you are selecting should be included or excluded, then select the value.
    • The Calculated values: to calculate arithmetic functions such as count, sum, minimum value, maximum value, and average. Select what to calculate, then choose the function to apply.
    • The Targets (chart widget only): to highlight the difference between the expected results and the actual results. Select the type, what to set a target for, and the color of the target.
  4. After editing your widget, click the Save button.

Transfer Ownership of the Widget

While you can change the owner of a widget through the Actions menu, you can also change it directly from the widget screen provided you are the owner of the widget or a superuser.

  1. Navigate to the widget for which you want to transfer ownership in Analytics.
  2. Click the Owner section under the widget title.
  3. Use the Owner drop-down list to select the new owner of the widget.
  4. Click the Save button.

Change the Access Status of the Widget

While you can change the access status of a your widget from the Actions menu, you can also change it directly from the widget screen provided you are the owner of the widget or a superuser.

  1. Navigate to the widget for which you want to change Access status.
  2. Click the Access section under the widget title.
  3. Select either Private or Public from the menu.

View the Reports Using this Widget

As people build reports, they can leverage the public widgets available to them to conveniently display the information they want. This means that any changes you make to the information displayed by your widget will also directly apply to the reports that use it. Before editing a widget, you should check which reports are using your widget to avoid disrupting other reports. If your widget is being used in a number of reports, you may want to consider duplicating your widget instead of editing this one.

  1. Navigate to the widget for which you want to view the list of reports using it in Analytics.
  2. Click on the Used in X reports under the widget title.
  3. A list of reports using this widget will be displayed in the Reports form.
    • Quick filters are available to quickly view reports Created by you or by the System.
    • You can also use the header to sort the report list by Title or by Access.
  4. After you are done viewing the list, click the Close button.
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