Analytics and Reporting

Make Life Easier with Borealis Analytics and Reporting

Date: January 20, 2021


With this first communication of 2021, we hope that your year is off to a good start.

We know that many of our customers are focused on creating year-end reports and setting reporting goals for the new year. We are here to help! Let’s take a look at some information in our Help Center that you might find useful.




If you’re not already familiar with Analytics, the easiest way to create a report is to start with one of the standard Borealis System Reports. We've created out-of-the-box reports for most common reporting needs, like Data Management, Engagement Statistics, Environmental Monitoring, Social Performance, and more. Here's a link that provides more information about Borealis System Reports.


If you are already familiar with System Reports, you might want to start creating reports of your own. This will allow you to track specific KPI for your teams for the year, such as:

  • Number of communications per quarter and by department
  • Number of grievances closed on time last year
  • Strategic investments and community contributions portfolio

For that, you will need to create widgets. You can get started with widgets here.


Tips and tricks

Ready to send a report to your teammates or manager? Make your report easier to read by customizing the layout and adding titles. You can see how to do that here.

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